


XMonitor is an Android-App for dialling monitor-mixes for Behringer's X32-family.

This is version 1.0 and there are surely some bugs. I've programmed it for my personal use with an Galaxy SII. I already had the chance to test it with a Google Nexus-7 Pad (the connect-screen looks a bit odd, but it works). I don't know how other Android-devices behave.


First of all you will need an Behringer X32 console. (Or the X32-Rack when it comes available).

Next you will need a Wi-Fi Router properly connected to your wonderful Behringer-desk.

Last but not least you will want to have an Android device with minimum Android 4.0 installed. (The App will not work on earlier versions)


First of all make sure your device has valid Wi-Fi connection to the desk. Notice the IP-Address of the X32. You will need it later on.

When you start XMonitor you see the connect-screen.

If it looks like this, you should check, if the IP-Address noted in the uppermost left field equals that one you noticed from the desk. If not so, hit the back-button of your device, enter menu, choose settings and change the IP-Address of X32 according to your configuration. Hit the back-button, enter menu, choose connect to re-enter the connect screen.

If it looks like this

your device has found an active X32! Choose Connect to establish the connection.

If you have a valid Wi-Fi connection and you entered the correct IP-Address, but your device is still searching for an X32, please try to terminate the application (Task-Manager) and try again.

If you are connected your device should show this screen:

Hit the back-button of your device to enter the main-screen:

You will (hopefully) notice that the app has retrieved the channel-names and show the currently chosen bus in the title-bar. (Stereo-bus 1-2 in-ear Fros... in this case)
The position of the fader-caps shows the amount of signal routed to the specified bus. (Like it would on the console if you chose a bus and turned on "sends on faders"
If there are signals on the channels you should see their channel-meter coming up.

Tap and move the faders to change the amount of the channel-signal in the specified bus. Notice, that you don't need to hit the fader-cap - any vertical move in a channel will move the appropriate fader. This way you needn't be to exact with your finger, and "jumps" of the volume are avoided.

Slide to the right or the left, to bring other channels into view.

With the tabs in the title-bar you can switch between channels, aux-in and fx-return layer.

You can mute channels, hide channels or change their panorama-settings by tapping and holding on a channel:

(Panorama only works on stereo-busses, of course!)

If your device has volume-buttons you also can control the "master-volume" of the specified bus:

(I may add the possibility to change the bus-master-volume for devices lacking volume-buttons in the future.)

To change the bus you want to control, hit the (soft) menu-button and choose settings. Choose the bus you want to control. The back-button of the device brings you to the main-screen again.

Choose menu-item "Channel list" to mute or hide/unhide channels:


Download: XMonitor Version 1.1.1 (346KB) 7160  Version History

Remark: I'm not posting this app on google play, because I don't want to spend 50 dollars for an account!


Some useful links:

soundforums.net audio-forum with it's own X32-thread

x32user.net A forum for X32-users run by Per Sovik. (XMonitor has it's own topic there)


Feel free to contact me if you want to report some bugs, or wanted features, or if you simply like this little app:

Andreas Kormann